Understanding Physics
By D.C. Cassidy, G. Holton, J. Rutherford

"Understanding Physics provides a thorough grounding in contemporary physics while placing physics into its social and historical context...develops facility in critical thinking, reasoned argumentation, evaluation of evidence, mathematical modelling, and ethical values."
--Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics

Understanding Physics: The Textbook. An innovative introductory course designed for students preparing to enter careers in fields outside of science or engineering, including students planning to teach, or already teaching in K-12 classrooms. View and download the Textbook in pdf: UP Text
Understanding Physics: The Student Guide. The Student Guide contains laboratory explorations, websites, a math review, and many other helpful items. View and download the Student Guide in pdf: Student Guide
Understanding Physics: The Instructor Guide. The Instructor Guide contains suggested teaching strategies, websites, and other resources. It is free to instructors who use the text in a course. View and download parts of the Instructor Guide in pdf: Instructor Guide

Find at: Amazon.com; Barnes and Noble; Publisher's Website: Springer Publishing
Published by Springer-Verlag, New York, 2002. Text 851 pp., photos, index.